thomas aquinas quotes

Thomas Aquinas quotes

Thomas Aquinas Quotes: Wisdom and Insight from a Theological Master

Thomas Aquinas, one of the most influential theologians and philosophers of the Middle Ages, left behind a wealth of wisdom through his writings. Known for his profound thoughts on theology, philosophy, and ethics, Aquinas’ quotes continue to inspire and challenge us. In this blog, we’ve compiled a selection of Thomas Aquinas quotes that reflect his deep understanding of faith, reason, and morality.

Table of Quotes

  1. On Faith and Reason
  2. On God and Divine Wisdom
  3. On Moral Virtues
  4. On the Nature of Truth
  5. On Charity and Love
  6. On Human Nature
  7. On Knowledge and Learning
  8. On the Purpose of Life
  9. On Prayer and Spiritual Life
  10. On Sin and Redemption

1. On Faith and ReasonThomas Aquinas quotes

  1. “Faith has to do with things that are not seen and hope with things that are not at hand.”
  2. “To one who has faith, no explanation is necessary. To one without faith, no explanation is possible.”
  3. “Reason in man is rather like God in the world: it has the nature of a guide.”
  4. “Faith is the beginning of understanding.”
  5. “The existence of God can be demonstrated in five ways.”
  6. “Reason is the natural order of the divine truth.”
  7. “The light of reason is like the light of the sun: it is not capable of illuminating itself.”
  8. “Man’s reason is like a torch in the darkness, showing the way to the truth.”
  9. “Faith and reason are not at odds; rather, faith completes what reason starts.”
  10. “What is believed on faith can be known through reason.”

2. On God and Divine WisdomThomas Aquinas quotes

  1. “God is the cause of everything that exists.”
  2. “The divine wisdom is manifested in the beauty of creation.”
  3. “God’s essence is love and truth.”
  4. “The greatest perfection is found in the simplicity of God.”
  5. “God’s wisdom is greater than all human understanding.”
  6. “In God, there is no potentiality, only pure actuality.”
  7. “God is the first cause of all that exists.”
  8. “The divine providence governs all things with infinite wisdom.”
  9. “God’s ways are not always understandable, but they are always perfect.”
  10. “God’s love is the foundation of all truth and goodness.”

3. On Moral VirtuesThomas Aquinas quotes

  1. “Virtue is the habit of choosing the good.”
  2. “The good is that which all desire.”
  3. “The measure of virtue is the extent of one’s adherence to reason.”
  4. “A virtuous man is one who acts according to reason.”
  5. “Justice is a virtue that regulates relationships with others.”
  6. “Courage is the virtue that allows one to face danger with confidence.”
  7. “Temperance is the virtue that moderates desires.”
  8. “Prudence is the virtue that guides one’s actions with foresight.”
  9. “Virtue is the mean between two extremes.”
  10. “The practice of virtue leads to happiness.”

4. On the Nature of TruthThomas Aquinas quotes

  1. “Truth is the conformity of the intellect to reality.”
  2. “The truth of faith is not contrary to the truth of reason.”
  3. “Truth is the objective reality of things as they are.”
  4. “The search for truth is the pursuit of the highest good.”
  5. “Truth is that which makes the mind rest in certainty.”
  6. “Truth is not merely a human construct but a reflection of divine order.”
  7. “The truth is discovered through both reason and revelation.”
  8. “Truth reveals itself through the harmony of faith and reason.”
  9. “In seeking the truth, one must be guided by both intellect and heart.”
  10. “The ultimate truth is God Himself.”

5. On Charity and LoveThomas Aquinas quotes

  1. “Charity is the love of God and neighbor for God’s sake.”
  2. “Love is the greatest of all virtues.”
  3. “Charity is the perfection of the soul’s power.”
  4. “Love is the source of all acts of virtue.”
  5. “Charity is the root of all moral virtues.”
  6. “To love God is to love all that God loves.”
  7. “Charity is not only a feeling but a deliberate act of the will.”
  8. “Love transforms the human heart and elevates it to the divine.”
  9. “The greatest commandment is to love God and neighbor.”
  10. “Charity is the virtue that binds all others together.”

6. On Human NatureThomas Aquinas quotes

  1. “Man is a composite of body and soul.”
  2. “Human nature is directed toward the good.”
  3. “The human soul is created in the image of God.”
  4. “Human nature is inherently good, but it can be corrupted by sin.”
  5. “Man’s ultimate end is to be united with God.”
  6. “The human person is a rational being with free will.”
  7. “Human nature is characterized by its rationality and capacity for moral action.”
  8. “Man’s nature is perfected through virtue.”
  9. “The human intellect seeks truth, and the will seeks the good.”
  10. “Human nature is fulfilled in the pursuit of virtue and knowledge.”

7. On Knowledge and LearningThomas Aquinas quotes

  1. “Knowledge is a virtue that comes from God.”
  2. “The pursuit of knowledge is the pursuit of truth.”
  3. “Learning is a process of growing in understanding and wisdom.”
  4. “The intellectual life is a participation in divine knowledge.”
  5. “True knowledge leads to a deeper love of God.”
  6. “The study of philosophy and theology leads to a greater understanding of God.”
  7. “Learning is an act of love for the truth.”
  8. “Knowledge of God is the highest form of knowledge.”
  9. “Education is the development of the intellect and moral character.”
  10. “Knowledge and learning are essential for spiritual growth.”

8. On the Purpose of LifeThomas Aquinas quotes

  1. “The purpose of life is to know, love, and serve God.”
  2. “The ultimate end of human life is union with God.”
  3. “Life’s purpose is fulfilled through the practice of virtue.”
  4. “Man’s highest good is found in the contemplation of divine truths.”
  5. “The purpose of life is to achieve eternal happiness with God.”
  6. “Life’s goal is to live according to reason and divine law.”
  7. “The meaning of life is found in the pursuit of holiness.”
  8. “True fulfillment comes from aligning one’s life with divine will.”
  9. “The purpose of life is to reflect God’s love and goodness.”
  10. “Living a virtuous life leads to the ultimate purpose of eternal life with God.”

9. On Prayer and Spiritual LifeThomas Aquinas quotes

  1. “Prayer is the raising of one’s mind and heart to God.”
  2. “Through prayer, we enter into communion with God.”
  3. “Prayer is essential for spiritual growth and relationship with God.”
  4. “The effectiveness of prayer lies in its sincerity and faith.”
  5. “Prayer is the means by which we seek divine assistance and grace.”
  6. “A life of prayer is a life lived in constant awareness of God.”
  7. “Prayer transforms the heart and aligns it with divine will.”
  8. “The power of prayer lies in its ability to change us, not just our circumstances.”
  9. “Through prayer, we express our dependence on God and seek His guidance.”
  10. “Prayer is a reflection of our desire for intimacy with the divine.”

10. On Sin and RedemptionThomas Aquinas quotes

  1. “Sin is a moral failing that turns us away from God.”
  2. “Redemption is the restoration of our relationship with God through grace.”
  3. “Sin harms the soul and disrupts the harmony of human nature.”
  4. “The grace of God redeems us from the consequences of sin.”
  5. “Repentance is the key to receiving forgiveness and redemption.”
  6. “The sacrament of reconciliation restores us to divine favor.”
  7. “Redemption is the result of Christ’s sacrifice and our acceptance of it.”
  8. “Sin separates us from God, but redemption brings us back to Him.”
  9. “Through Christ, we are offered the gift of forgiveness and eternal life.”
  10. “The process of redemption involves both divine grace and human cooperation.”

These quotes from Thomas Aquinas offer deep insights into his theological and philosophical perspectives. They reflect his profound understanding of faith, reason, and the nature of human existence. Whether you are exploring his works for personal inspiration or academic study, these quotes provide a glimpse into the timeless wisdom of this great thinker.


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