Submissive Quotes

Submissive Quotes

Submissive Quotes: Embracing Humility and Letting Go

Submissiveness is often misunderstood, but it can signify strength, patience, and self-control. These 100 quotes about submission explore the balance between yielding and strength, whether in personal relationships or spiritual journeys. Submissiveness is about letting go, trusting the process, and sometimes, allowing others to lead.

In this blog, we’ve categorized the quotes to make them easy to read and relatable, divided into sections that address different aspects of submission.

Table of Contents

  1. Submissive Quotes About Strength in Humility
  2. Submissive Quotes on Trust and Letting Go
  3. Submissive Quotes on Relationships
  4. Submissive Quotes in Spirituality
  5. Submissive Quotes About Patience
  6. Submissive Quotes About Surrendering Control
  7. Submissive Quotes on Love and Devotion
  8. Submissive Quotes on Inner Peace
  9. Submissive Quotes About Self-Control
  10. Submissive Quotes on Growth Through Submission

1. Submissive Quotes About Strength in Humility

True humility requires strength and wisdom. These quotes reflect how submission often reflects quiet strength.

“Strength lies in being humble enough to let others lead.”Submissive Quotes
“Humility opens doors pride keeps closed.”
“There is strength in knowing when to step back.”
“Submission is not weakness; it’s knowing when to bend without breaking.”
“Being humble is not about thinking less of yourself but thinking of yourself less.”
“Humility is the courage to let go of control.”
“Real strength is found in the quiet moments of surrender.”
“Submission to what is allows peace to flow in.”
“Humility is not defeat, but an act of strength.”
“You show true strength when you choose not to fight every battle.”

2. Submissive Quotes on Trust and Letting Go

Sometimes submission is about trusting the process and letting go of the need to control everything.

“Trust the journey, even when the path is unclear.”Submissive Quotes
“Let go of what you cannot control and embrace what you can.”
“There is freedom in releasing the need for control.”
“Trusting others is the first step to letting go.”
“Surrender to the flow, and life becomes easier.”
“Sometimes you have to let go of the fight to win the war.”
“Submission is letting go of the need to always be right.”
“The act of letting go often brings more clarity.”
“Letting go allows new possibilities to emerge.”
“Release control, and trust that everything will fall into place.”

3. Submissive Quotes on Relationships

Submission in relationships is often about trust, compromise, and giving others space to lead.

“Submission in a relationship is about trust, not control.”Submissive Quotes
“Compromise shows love, not weakness.”
“The best relationships are built on trust and the willingness to yield.”
“True partnership is about knowing when to lead and when to follow.”
“Yielding to love is a strength, not a surrender.”
“Submission in love is about giving space for the other to grow.”
“In love, sometimes giving up control builds stronger connections.”
“Letting go of control allows your relationship to grow stronger.”
“Submitting to each other builds a stronger foundation for love.”
“In relationships, submission is a gift of trust and vulnerability.”

4. Submissive Quotes in Spirituality

Submission is often discussed in the context of faith and spirituality, where letting go can mean trusting a higher power.

“Submission is the key to unlocking spiritual growth.”Submissive Quotes
“True freedom comes from surrendering to something greater than yourself.”
“Let go and let faith lead the way.”
“Spiritual submission is trusting the journey without needing to understand every step.”
“Faith requires submission to the unknown.”
“In submission, we find the true meaning of faith.”
“Spiritual surrender is the pathway to peace.”
“Letting go of control brings you closer to the divine.”
“Submitting to the divine plan brings peace to the heart.”
“The act of surrendering opens the heart to greater understanding.”

5. Submissive Quotes About Patience

Patience and submission often go hand in hand, teaching us the value of waiting and trusting the process.

“Submission teaches patience in the face of uncertainty.”Submissive Quotes
“Patience is the silent form of strength.”
“The greatest strength is found in waiting without frustration.”
“True patience is knowing when to let go of control.”
“Submission is the art of waiting for the right time.”
“Patience is accepting the present moment without resistance.”
“In patience, there is strength.”
“Submitting to the flow of time teaches patience.”
“Patience is the act of letting go and trusting the process.”
“In waiting, we find the strength to keep going.”

6. Submissive Quotes About Surrendering Control

Letting go of control doesn’t mean giving up; it’s about accepting things as they are.

“Surrendering control brings peace.”Submissive Quotes
“In submission, we learn the power of acceptance.”
“Let go of control, and watch how life unfolds.”
“True strength is in letting go of the need to control everything.”
“When we surrender control, life begins to flow more smoothly.”
“Surrender is not about giving up but allowing life to unfold.”
“The art of submission is the art of acceptance.”
“Surrendering control opens new doors to growth.”
“Let go of the need to control, and find peace within.”
“The peace you seek is found in surrender.”

7. Submissive Quotes on Love and Devotion

Submission can be a deep expression of love and devotion, allowing for mutual trust and respect.

“Love grows stronger when we let go of control.”Submissive Quotes
“True love is about giving, not taking.”
“Devotion is the highest form of submission.”
“In love, submission means trusting the one you care for.”
“Love is an act of letting go and trusting completely.”
“Devotion shows strength in yielding to the needs of another.”
“Love isn’t about control, it’s about trust and surrender.”
“In true love, both partners submit to each other.”
“Devotion is the act of surrendering to love.”
“Letting go in love allows deeper connections to form.”

8. Submissive Quotes on Inner Peace

Submission can lead to inner peace when we learn to accept life as it comes.

“Inner peace comes when we submit to the present moment.”Submissive Quotes
“True peace is found in accepting what is.”
“Submit to the flow of life, and peace will follow.”
“In surrender, we find inner calm.”
“Letting go of control brings a sense of peace.”
“Inner peace is achieved through the acceptance of what we cannot change.”
“Submission allows the mind to find quiet in a noisy world.”
“Surrender brings the peace we all seek.”
“When we stop resisting, inner peace is found.”
“Accepting life as it is leads to true inner calm.”

9. Submissive Quotes About Self-Control

Submission often involves exercising self-control, choosing not to react and allowing things to unfold naturally.

“Submission requires self-control, not passivity.”Submissive Quotes
“Self-control is the foundation of true strength.”
“Submission is the art of holding back when necessary.”
“In submission, we master the art of self-control.”
“Exercising self-control shows true strength in submission.”
“The ability to submit is rooted in self-control.”
“Self-control is the key to mastering submission.”
“In submission, we find the strength to control our impulses.”
“Self-control teaches us when to step back and let go.”
“Submission isn’t about weakness; it’s about controlling your reactions.”

10. Submissive Quotes on Growth Through Submission

Through submission, we often find the strength to grow and learn new things about ourselves and life.

“Growth happens when we learn to submit to life’s lessons.”Submissive Quotes
“In submission, we find room to grow.”
“Let go, and let growth take place.”
“Through submission, we find opportunities for personal growth.”
“Growth comes from allowing ourselves to be vulnerable.”
“Submitting to the process brings growth and wisdom.”
“We grow stronger when we submit to what is.”
“Submission teaches us the value of growth through surrender.”
“In yielding, we find the space to grow.”
“Personal growth often comes from the ability to submit and learn.”


These 100 quotes about submission reflect the many layers of strength, trust, love, and inner peace that come with letting go and allowing life to unfold. Submissiveness is often viewed as a negative trait, but in reality, it shows great strength and courage. Let these quotes inspire you to embrace the art of submission in your life.


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